Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The newest social media

1. Read the lead and the Nut Graph - fill out the following to the best of your ability:

Who- Teens
What- are crazy about new social media
Where- Bowie
Why- it integrates all other social media
How- the app lets you do all what all the others can in one.

2. Read the entire story - summarize the story in 2-3 sentences. Pheed is the new social media sweeping the nation. Teens are starting to get this app because it takes all the other social media and puts into one.

3. List the people quoted in the story (by name), indicate whether it is a direct quote (that means its in "" marks) or its an indirect quote. If there are no quotes, please indicate no quotes.
Senior Alexa Boone-Direct quote
Junior Karla Castro- Direct quote
Senior Ramiro Huerta- Direct quote

4. Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
I believe the last sentence is a opinion because she does not speak for the entire school.

5. Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It is missing the the social media's name.

6. Finally, if there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read? no graphic

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