Thursday, October 31, 2013

Personal Essays

1. What was one idea that the writer gave in the Wide Range of Topics section that you can use as you start deciding on a topic?Conversational topics that get you excited, or news stories that make your blood boil or get you laughing out loud, are likely to be provide good fodder for essays.

2. What was one idea the writer gave in the Opinions Pieces section that you should remember as you are writing your piece? Give readers insight to both the small moment and the wider perspective.

3. List three suggestions the writer makes in the Personal Essays and Crafts section that you will use as you write.
  • No extra points for the number of facts you include. Academic essays contain more facts than opinion, personal essays contain more opinion than facts. But ensure the facts you use are accurate. Check names, spellings, numbers. Two sources of confirmation are better than one.
  • Writing essays in a great way to get your opinions off your chest, but avoid philosophical rants which make no connection to your reader’s experience. Again, keep it personal while relating to a wider world.
  • A strong statement that your essay will either support or dispute. (“If you eat enough cabbage, you’ll never get cancer.”)

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