Monday, October 21, 2013

Harding inspires campus with the Groundwater Stewardship Award

1. Read the lead and the Nut Graph - fill out the following to the best of your ability:

Who- the Board of Directors of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
What- Chose Jill Harding as the Groundwater  Stewardship Award winner
When- Sept 26th
Why- Helped coordinate restoration efforts for the on- campus cave, and physically helped with the excavation of the cave.

2. Read the entire story - summarize the story in 2-3 sentences. Jill Harding received the Groundwater Stewardship Award for helping clean the environment.

3. List the people quoted in the story (by name), indicate whether it is a direct quote (that means its in "" marks) no quotes.

4. Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
 no opinions
5. Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
 it does
6. Finally, if there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read? No Graphics

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