Thursday, October 31, 2013

Current Event Quiz 2.3

1. In Tuesday's paper on page A3 "Ellis Island", what do you know about Ellis Island? Would you like to visit the island? WHY or WHY NOT Ellis Island ushered millions of immigrants into the United States. I would visit Ellis Island, because of how historic it is. It may not have been the best to be for people with different ethnicity, but it's historic non the less.
2. In Tuesday's paper on page A7 "Thanks, Texas..." What points are the author trying to make about Texas? Do you agree or disagree with his perspective? WHY or WHY NOT The author is trying to point out that the Texas government does not care that some of their citizens our poor. I agree with this author, because this is taking money away from the people who need it.
3. In Tuesday's paper on page B1 "School staff to get ...." What are your reactions to the story? Do you think the Bastrop staff should get the training? WHY or WHY NOT I'm disgusted that this is happening in schools, it's shameful. I this the training will not change anything, those people know what they are saying is wrong, it will just be a waste of tax dollars.
4. In Wednesday's paper on page A11 "NFL not..." Do you think the concussion issue is enough to cause changes in the NFL? WHY or WHY NOT I don't think it is enough to cause changes in the NFL because the players know what they are getting into, and there are rules to help cause less concussions.
5.  In Thursday's paper on page A1 "Guards at lockup..." What should happen to guards at the facility? I feel that they should lose their jobs. To many officials and officers get away with abusing inmates and people the same and it needs to stop.
6.  In Thursday's paper on page 1 "Sebelien apologizes: Obama tries..." Should the computer problems plaguing the ACA be reflective on the job the President is doing as the leader of the United States? WHY or WHY NOT No it shouldn't because this is something new, and new things don't always work out when they start, but if you give it time and let it work its magic it will start to strive and pick up steam.

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