Monday, October 7, 2013

My First Interview

Josh Humble Interview
1. How does it feel to be the student of the month? It feels great, I'm glad I won the award I was a little worried but I came out on top.
2. How did your parents react when they found out about your victory? They were so excited. They took me out for dinner.
3. Do you get treated differently now that you're student of the month? Not really, I mean the teachers are expecting a little more out of me then usual but, other then that not much different at all.
4. What was going through your mind when they were announcing the winner? I was on edge. I really wanted to win so bad. When they said my name I almost jumped out of my seat.
5. What are some perks of being student of the month? Well there is a great boost in confidence, People come and ask me for help with things like homework and other problems, Teachers look at me as the best student in class.
6. Do you think a Student of the month award at Bowie is better then other schools Student of the Months? Of course Bowie is one of the best schools in the state of Texas.
7. Do you feel that you will me the SOM next month to? Yes, I don't just want to be Octobers student of the Month, I want to be the class of 2014's student of the Year.
8. Why did you do to become a candidate for the Student of the Month? I studied very hard and kept my grades to high 90's and 100s. Also I was always nice and supportive to all my friends.

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