Monday, October 21, 2013

Campus fund raiser helps out the Landers' family

1. Read the lead and the Nut Graph - fill out the following to the best of your ability:

Who- Bowie Campus
What- Helping Jason Landers with his fight against liver cancer
Where- Bowie High School
When- Oct. 26th at 10.00 am
Why- For a fundraiser to help Jason Landers battle liver cancer
How- Dressing up as a super hero and donating to the cause

2. Read the entire story - summarize the story in 2-3 sentences. The bowie campus is trying to help coach Landers fight liver cancer by holding a fund raiser. Attendees are asked to dress as their favorite super hero's and participate in a three mile run. All the proceeds raised will go toward the Landers family's medical cost.

3. List the people quoted in the story (by name), indicate whether it is a direct quote (that means its in "" marks) or its an indirect quote. If there are no quotes, please indicate no quotes.
No quotes

4. Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
  no opinions

5. Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
  it does

6. Finally, if there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read? No Graphic

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