Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mentoring Program creates mixed feeling on campus

Who: Bowie student and faculty
What: Share thoughts about FIT
Where: James Bowie High School
When: 2013-2014
Why: There are mixed feelings about it
2. Read the entire story - summarize the story in 2-3 sentences Some of the students and staff share their thoughts about the new FIT program. There are some people who agree that FIT is a good idea and some who think it's a bad idea.
3. List the people quoted in the story (by name), indicate whether it is a direct quote (that means its in "" marks) or its an indirect quote. If there are no quotes, please indicate no quotes.
Coach Robert Deckard- Direct quote
Principal Stephen Kane- Direct quote
Sophomore Madison Cooper- Direct quote
Junior Scott Mayo- Direct quote
Senior Meagan Hudson- Direct quote
Senior Joseph Lewright- Direct quote
4. Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
B- there are no opinions.

5. Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
B- The headline summarizes the plot because, the story is about people who are for FIT and against it.

6. Finally, if there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read? YES

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