Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quiz #2.4

1. Who is the new UT Athletic Director, or what school did he come from (first or last name)? Steve
2. Did the affordable housing bond pass? Yes
3. Why is the county about to pay almost $50,000 to move a tree? because this tree belongs in the great waters of lake MiniTanka
4. What is the 15th state to allow gay marriage? Illinois
5. What country just launched a mission to Mars? India

1.  I feel that this type of behavior is childish and some what abusive. It is a professional league not some middle school locker room. I feel Incognito should be suspended because he threatened Martin with physical violence. On the other hand Martin should not have just sat around and let himself get abused by Incognito, he could have reported him to his manger or just stayed away from the guy. In the end Incognito was not acting like a professional athlete, but like a child in school making fun of the new kid.

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