Thursday, November 21, 2013

Current Events Quiz 3.2

1. Thursday, Page A5 "Ancient Boy's DNA..." What were the two surprises about the remains of the boy in Siberia" The boy's DNA matches that of Western Europeans and his DNA also matches a large proportion of the DNA of living Native Americans.

2. Thursday, Page B5 "11-year old boy honored..." What paragraph did you learn the following information:

Who- Leo "Willy" Click Jr. 1st paragraph
What- Saved the lives of his family trapped inside a burning vehicle. 2nd paragraph
Where- Texas 35 3rd paragraph
When- Aug. 18th 15th paragraph
Why- just felt ordinary 2nd paragraph
How- Paragraph 15

3. Thursday, Page D1 "No Barriers" What is so different about this tv show? What are some of the ways deaf people communicate with the hearing, according to the story? The tv show gives viewers a glimpse into the lives of deaf communities around the globe. Sign language, letting them prepare before hand.

4. Sunday (Nov. 17), Page A13 "Lincoln' true words" What was the most important difference between the supposed different versions of his famous speech, according to the article? the presence or absence of the phrase "under God".

5. Sunday (Nov. 17) Page E5 "Now you can sail..." What does this app do and why is it significant to people who like John Lennon? It's loaded with interactive features, music , photos and interviews that detail a relatively unexamined slice of the former Beatle's life. John Lennon was part of the beatles.

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