Friday, November 8, 2013

Opinions writing

Gun Control
Gun control, it's a very touchy subject in the United States right now. There have been multiple shooting this year all over the state. Some shootings have been extremely tragic with multiple casualties. To help with this problem the government is trying to put more restrictions on guns. I believe that this will not make things better in the long run.

With these restrictions the government will have all the innocent law abiding citizens defenseless. While people are not allowed to buy or carry fire arms because the law says they can't, the criminals who already don't follow the law will do what they want, putting the people in more danger.

Some may argue that's what the police is for, but the problem there is that when you call the police there is waiting involved, and even when the police show up it's still not the end of it because by then their could have multiple casualties already or the shooter takes hostages and police can't really do anything. However if their was a citizen with fire arm he could have taken out the shooter when the situation first started and there would be less death and mayhem.

I can see how lowering the people with guns can lower the chances of shooting and if they add a lot of requirements their would be less crazy people buying guns. This could also lower the shootings exponentially.

However as i stated earlier, the criminals are not abiding the law from the start, and they will find some way to find some sort of fire arm and it will still end badly for the citizens of this country. Which is why I am against gun control.

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