Friday, November 15, 2013

Current Events Quiz 3.1

1. In Thursday's paper on page D1in the story called "Flatbed taking on key role in arts," what is the main focus of the story? Please be specific and summarize the entire story. The story is about The Flatbed Press, which is a place for artist and creative professionals. The story tell about the people that work or go there and some details about the facilities.
2. On the side of that story, there is a "sidebar" with additional information about arts in Austin. What types of information were provided in those sidebars that you didn't get from reading the "Flatbed" story? The sidebar provides answers to questions some people might have.
3. In Wednesday's paper on page D1 in the story called "Formula one for success," what is the main focus of the story? Please be specific and summarize the entire story. The focus of the story is how the author started like Formula One races because of the food that was served there. Then goes into details about some of the food.
4. What does the writer do that causes you to keep reading the article even if you don't care about cooking, or formula one car racing? He throws in some funny quotes.
5. What techniques did the page editors at the Austin American Statesman use to break up the lengthy text present in that story? They broke the story up into smaller paragraphs.
6. In Tuesday's paper on page D1 in the story called "Hug to out is the ethos of Roy Spence,"
what is the main focus of the story? Please be specific and summarize the entire story. The story focuses on the writer going to go interview Roy Spence, the author of "The 10 Essential Hugs of Life". Roy talks about writing the book and the meaning of the hugs.
7. Would you want to get a hug from Roy Spence? Why or Why not. Yes, It may be a little creepy that Roy is 65 years old, but he seems like a really cool guys.

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