Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2nd Opinions Piece

Fast Food
Fast food one of this nations biggest bad guy right now. Fast food is a meal you get on the go, that is affordable, quick, and pretty darn good. The only problem is that a lot of the fast food out there is not very healthy. As a matter of fact fast food has been blamed for the rise in Obesity in the United States. However with how fast paced this world has become fast food needs to be a there for the people who have no time to slow down.

Fast food places are not forcing you to come eat at their establishments. It's not forcing its food down your throat, you are choosing to go eat at these places. If you choose to eat at places where their food is high in fat and then blame the them for you getting obese is just ridiculous.

With how fast paced this world has become Fast food place have become almost necessary because, people need to eat and with lunch breaks lasting 30 minutes to an hour nobody has time to go all the way home and prepare a meal.

Also with all the homeless and low income families fast food is an affordable meal. Even though fast food is not very good for, if someone had the choice to choose between eating out of the garbage or eating food that isn't the best for them, they would eat fast food everyday.

Granted if the fast food establishments would spend time making their food healthier or maybe change the serving sizes to minimize the calories their wouldn't be as many arguments about the healthiness of their food. I also understand that with their are other countries with the same fast food places that make their food a lot healthier than we do in the United States.

However fast food has a lot more pros than cons, With it being affordable, fast, and pretty darn tasty. Ya their is some stuff they could change, but it is works out for the people who need it right now.

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