Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Three little pigs

The three little pigs is about three little pigs who build houses out of three different materials straw, stick, and bricks. After they built their houses they were confronted by a wolf who demands entrance into the pigs house.

When he ask the pigs with the straw and stick house if he could come in they denied him entrance. When they did that he destroyed their houses by blowing them down, then he proceeded to eat the pigs.

However when the last pig denied him entry into his house, he could not blow it down because it was made out of brick. So the wolf tried to trick the pig by telling him to leave his house and get these things with him. After many failed attempts the wolf tried to enter the house through the chimney and when he was coming in the pig put a pot of boiling water in the fireplace then, the wolf fell in and was eaten by the pig.

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