Thursday, September 19, 2013

Current Events Quiz #4

1.What hotel developer is suing the City of Austin for lost incentives? JW Marriott
2.Which country had a major train versus bus accident yesterday morning? Cananda
3.What is the name of the woman who will announce on Oct. 3 if she is running for Governor of Texas (Spelling does NOT count)? Wendy Davis
4.What school district wants to create a road through a nature preserve to expedite getting kids to school faster and easier?
5.Who does the University of Texas play this weekend in football? Kansas State

1. Do you think the general public should be allow to carry handguns on public property either with a concealed handgun license or visibly on their person (again with a license)? Yes, but I don't think they should be visible on the person. I would feel more protected but, I wouldn't worry people.

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