Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Current Events Quiz #3

1. What lake is the LCRA and the City of Austin currently in discussions about there is a proposal to lower the lake level by nearly three feet? Lake Travis
2. What event will feature more that 250 authors in mid-October?
3. What company held its annual "tech conference" yesterday and announced a pair of new cell phones? Apple corp.
4.The main story on the Life and Arts section focused on weekly ritual that some UT football fans complete each weekend. What do we call their gathering before football games? Tailgate party
5.What major Big-12 university is currently under NCAA scrutiny for breaking rules regarding cash payments and other incentives for students-athletes? Alambama
1.What effects are the current drought directly having on your life? Do you notice the effects and if so where and how do you see them? I go outside less because it's to hot. I notice these effects when I am at home.
2. What do you think authorities should do to try and help this region of the country battle the worsening drought? Lower water bills, so people in this region can use more water without worrying about the bills.

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