Thursday, September 19, 2013

Peer Reading- 3 Little Pigs
A. Who- 3 little pigs, wolf
     What- Wolf was pestering the pigs and met a terrible fate.
     When- Not Stated
     Where- Not stated
     Why- The wolf blew down the houses because the pigs would not let him in.
B. Blew
C. I think this word is pretty weak because there were a lot of stronger words she could have used.
D. Next she covered the death of the wolf. The wolf met his end when he tried to get into the last pigs house through his chimney. The pig knew he was coming in through the chimney and set a pot of boiling water in the chimney, which killed the wolf, then the pig ate him.
E.Yes, because this is how the story ended and is the climax of the story.
F. She left out the fact that the wolf ate the two other pigs but, other then that she told the rest of the stroy. 

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