Friday, September 27, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger Interview

Open-ended question- What is it with you?
Closed-ended question- Tell us about that meeting?
Follow-up question- What did you say?
What question got the best answer from Arnold Schwarzenegger? How did maria feel after you told her to run for governor.
What's a question you have for Arnold Schwarzenegger that was not asked? How did maria react when she found out?
What can you observe about Arnold Schwarzenegger's behavior as he answers the question? He was hesitant about answering questions.
Does he appear comfortable or uncomfortable? How can you tell? He appears uncomfortable because he keeps stuttering and uses verbal fillers.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Top Stories of the Century

On October 29, 1929 The Wall Street stock market crashed. The crash marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Stocks started to rise again just as World War II started.

On April 26, 1986 a catastrophic nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukraine.  It was caused by an unexpected power surge, that caused the reactors to explode. The explosion let out a highly radioactive fallout that drifted over three countries.

I consider the Chernobyl disaster to be one of the most interesting events of the 1900's because it is known one of the worst nuclear disasters ever. The radiation is still effecting people today. Also the area where the explosion happened is still to radioactive to  be around today.

On December 7, 1941 during World War II there was a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii by the Japanese. Their were multiple casualties. This attack was the reason the U.S enter the war.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Peer Reading- 3 Little Pigs
A. Who- 3 little pigs, wolf
     What- Wolf was pestering the pigs and met a terrible fate.
     When- Not Stated
     Where- Not stated
     Why- The wolf blew down the houses because the pigs would not let him in.
B. Blew
C. I think this word is pretty weak because there were a lot of stronger words she could have used.
D. Next she covered the death of the wolf. The wolf met his end when he tried to get into the last pigs house through his chimney. The pig knew he was coming in through the chimney and set a pot of boiling water in the chimney, which killed the wolf, then the pig ate him.
E.Yes, because this is how the story ended and is the climax of the story.
F. She left out the fact that the wolf ate the two other pigs but, other then that she told the rest of the stroy. 

Current Events Quiz #4

1.What hotel developer is suing the City of Austin for lost incentives? JW Marriott
2.Which country had a major train versus bus accident yesterday morning? Cananda
3.What is the name of the woman who will announce on Oct. 3 if she is running for Governor of Texas (Spelling does NOT count)? Wendy Davis
4.What school district wants to create a road through a nature preserve to expedite getting kids to school faster and easier?
5.Who does the University of Texas play this weekend in football? Kansas State

1. Do you think the general public should be allow to carry handguns on public property either with a concealed handgun license or visibly on their person (again with a license)? Yes, but I don't think they should be visible on the person. I would feel more protected but, I wouldn't worry people.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Three little pigs

The three little pigs is about three little pigs who build houses out of three different materials straw, stick, and bricks. After they built their houses they were confronted by a wolf who demands entrance into the pigs house.

When he ask the pigs with the straw and stick house if he could come in they denied him entrance. When they did that he destroyed their houses by blowing them down, then he proceeded to eat the pigs.

However when the last pig denied him entry into his house, he could not blow it down because it was made out of brick. So the wolf tried to trick the pig by telling him to leave his house and get these things with him. After many failed attempts the wolf tried to enter the house through the chimney and when he was coming in the pig put a pot of boiling water in the fireplace then, the wolf fell in and was eaten by the pig.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Current Events Quiz #3

1. What lake is the LCRA and the City of Austin currently in discussions about there is a proposal to lower the lake level by nearly three feet? Lake Travis
2. What event will feature more that 250 authors in mid-October?
3. What company held its annual "tech conference" yesterday and announced a pair of new cell phones? Apple corp.
4.The main story on the Life and Arts section focused on weekly ritual that some UT football fans complete each weekend. What do we call their gathering before football games? Tailgate party
5.What major Big-12 university is currently under NCAA scrutiny for breaking rules regarding cash payments and other incentives for students-athletes? Alambama
1.What effects are the current drought directly having on your life? Do you notice the effects and if so where and how do you see them? I go outside less because it's to hot. I notice these effects when I am at home.
2. What do you think authorities should do to try and help this region of the country battle the worsening drought? Lower water bills, so people in this region can use more water without worrying about the bills.