Monday, December 16, 2013

Feature Story Brainstorm

1. Who is your main subject? Noel Martinez (Brother)

2. Supporting interviews (who else do you need to talk to)?
Jennifer Martinez(Wife)
Deanna Martinez(Mother)

3. What is the topic? I will interview him about, what it was like being in the military.

4. Which angle from above will you write the story? Personality

5. Then to help you get going faster, come up with 20 questions that you can ask your main subject. Type these in your blog.
Why did you join the Military?
Why did you choose the Marines?
Did you ever think about backing out?
How long were you in the military?
How old were you when you entered the military?
What was it like leaving to fight a war?
What was going through your head when you were out there?
How did your family react when you told them your were leaving?
Are there stories you could share?
Did being in the Marines change how you see things?
How does it feel knowing that U.S troops are pretty much out of the middle east?
What do you do now that your out of the Marines?
Does this life seem a little boring compared to being in the Marines?

6. Once you complete that portion, you need to come up with 5-10 questions you need to ask your supporting interviews. Type these into your blog. You may need different questions for each supporting subject.
Jennifer Martinez
How did it feel when he left to the Marines?
How did you manage with him half way across the world?
How was it raising a little girl by yourself?
How excited were you when he came back?
Where is your life right now?

Deanna Martinez
How did it feel to have your son leave to the Marines?
Did you now that he wanted to join the Marines?
Did you try to stop him from going?
How did you feel when he returned from Iraq?
How are things going now?

7. You will need to do a little research on the topic you expect to interview your main subject about. Take a little time and do some google searching - find at least 5 new things about the intended topic you should know before you interview your main subject. List those on your blog.
The Marines Started in 1775
10% of the people who go into basic training drop out
Boot Camp last 12 weeks
The Iraq War lasted from 2003-2011
Over 100000 soldiers died in the Iraq War

8. Write when you plan to conduct the interview(s)?
I plan to conduct the interview when we visit his house this winter break.

9. Where you will interview them (some interviews are better to do in the persons environment, while others should be done in public places, ALL interviews should be done in person)?
I am going to interview him in his house along with his wife and mother.

10. How will you record the information? (taking notes is ideal, and if you want to record the conversation you MUST get permission. You can do both if they will allow you to record, this is a really strong technique that you could use.) I will take notes and ask if i can record it.

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