Friday, January 10, 2014

Heroes of World War II, next year they may not be here

1. When you read the headline, were you at all interested in the story? Yes

2. After you completed the story, what were two things you learned about that you did not know before. I didn't know there were things like this and I think it's great. Also I find it amazing how we as human beings can hold on to precious things like memories for such a long time.

3. Was the story better than you expected after reading the headline? Yes, it made me feel for these gentlemen when it told their stories.

4. What person was the story written in? 3rd person

5. Did the chronological format help the story in your opinion? Yes, the story wasn't jumping all over the place.

6. How many different people did the writer quote in the story? The writer quoted about 9 people in this story.

7. What was the thematic element the writer used throughout the story?

8. How did the quotes help the story? The quotes helped the story by adding the voice of the veterans to the story.

9. Was the story written in a very strict, quote-transition format? No, it did use a quote-transition format, but it wasn't very strict.

10. How is this story different than the hard news pieces we have written in the past? Its wasn't telling hard news, it was just telling a pretty heart warming story about veterans.

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