Friday, January 10, 2014

Heroes of World War II, next year they may not be here

1. When you read the headline, were you at all interested in the story? Yes

2. After you completed the story, what were two things you learned about that you did not know before. I didn't know there were things like this and I think it's great. Also I find it amazing how we as human beings can hold on to precious things like memories for such a long time.

3. Was the story better than you expected after reading the headline? Yes, it made me feel for these gentlemen when it told their stories.

4. What person was the story written in? 3rd person

5. Did the chronological format help the story in your opinion? Yes, the story wasn't jumping all over the place.

6. How many different people did the writer quote in the story? The writer quoted about 9 people in this story.

7. What was the thematic element the writer used throughout the story?

8. How did the quotes help the story? The quotes helped the story by adding the voice of the veterans to the story.

9. Was the story written in a very strict, quote-transition format? No, it did use a quote-transition format, but it wasn't very strict.

10. How is this story different than the hard news pieces we have written in the past? Its wasn't telling hard news, it was just telling a pretty heart warming story about veterans.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Feature Story Brainstorm

1. Who is your main subject? Noel Martinez (Brother)

2. Supporting interviews (who else do you need to talk to)?
Jennifer Martinez(Wife)
Deanna Martinez(Mother)

3. What is the topic? I will interview him about, what it was like being in the military.

4. Which angle from above will you write the story? Personality

5. Then to help you get going faster, come up with 20 questions that you can ask your main subject. Type these in your blog.
Why did you join the Military?
Why did you choose the Marines?
Did you ever think about backing out?
How long were you in the military?
How old were you when you entered the military?
What was it like leaving to fight a war?
What was going through your head when you were out there?
How did your family react when you told them your were leaving?
Are there stories you could share?
Did being in the Marines change how you see things?
How does it feel knowing that U.S troops are pretty much out of the middle east?
What do you do now that your out of the Marines?
Does this life seem a little boring compared to being in the Marines?

6. Once you complete that portion, you need to come up with 5-10 questions you need to ask your supporting interviews. Type these into your blog. You may need different questions for each supporting subject.
Jennifer Martinez
How did it feel when he left to the Marines?
How did you manage with him half way across the world?
How was it raising a little girl by yourself?
How excited were you when he came back?
Where is your life right now?

Deanna Martinez
How did it feel to have your son leave to the Marines?
Did you now that he wanted to join the Marines?
Did you try to stop him from going?
How did you feel when he returned from Iraq?
How are things going now?

7. You will need to do a little research on the topic you expect to interview your main subject about. Take a little time and do some google searching - find at least 5 new things about the intended topic you should know before you interview your main subject. List those on your blog.
The Marines Started in 1775
10% of the people who go into basic training drop out
Boot Camp last 12 weeks
The Iraq War lasted from 2003-2011
Over 100000 soldiers died in the Iraq War

8. Write when you plan to conduct the interview(s)?
I plan to conduct the interview when we visit his house this winter break.

9. Where you will interview them (some interviews are better to do in the persons environment, while others should be done in public places, ALL interviews should be done in person)?
I am going to interview him in his house along with his wife and mother.

10. How will you record the information? (taking notes is ideal, and if you want to record the conversation you MUST get permission. You can do both if they will allow you to record, this is a really strong technique that you could use.) I will take notes and ask if i can record it.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

CE 3.5

1. Tell me three things you learned about Dell the company. It was a public company for 25 years, $57 billion business,
2. Why did Michael Dell choose to buy his company back and make it private? With a public company there is a lot of whining and second- guessing, and its more fun.
3. What does Michael Dell think about "cloud-based" IT? they are very focused on it.
4. Who is Dell (the company) new market to sell their products, according to the story? The Cloud
5. What does Michael Dell think is the future of computer use? Tablets
From the rest of the paper:
A. What local district attorney will be allowed to keep her job despite getting a recent DWI? Rosemary Lahmberg
B. Who is Time Magazines person of the year? Pope Francis
C. Who is the front runner to replace Mack Brown as the coach of the UT Longhorn football team? NO ONE!!!
D. Who is Joel Sidelnik and what is his claim to fame? Rustic furniture
E. What famous person passed away this week in South Africa? Nelson Mandela

1.) Please go to page A13 and look at the political cartoon on the bottom portion of the page. Although we have yet to discuss political cartoons and how to interpret them I would like you to do your best on this one, later we will talk about these. So what do you think the message of this cartoon is and tell me why you interpreted this way? I think the cartoon is trying to say that Obama's second term is crumbling and breaking apart. Or it could be saying that, Obama's second term has ruined Christmas, which is why it's a broken Christmas tree ball.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

JFK 50 years later

In this story I learned about what Luci Baines Johnson did on November 22, 1963, the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The story starts with the Luci at school when she hears about it. Her school meets for an assembly to find out the tragic thing that has just took place. She is then taken home by secret service members and she waits for her father and mother to return, but she is traumatized by what is going on, and doesn't remember much from that day.

It then goes on to talking about her family moving into the white house, and the hardship her family went through after JFK had been assassinated. She talks about how stressed her father and mother got taking over the duties of the president, and how she basically had to cope with stuff by herself because her parents were busy. Then she talks about how the assassination buried her childhood.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Key Ingredients

1. LIST 3 DETAILS THAT YOU FOUND ABOVE THAT HELP THE STORY  It said everything "client 9" did for the prostitute, They kept the identity of "client 9" hidden until the very end, they went into details about the woman.
2. THERE ARE DETAILS THAT YOU MIGHT NOT INCLUDE IN A REGULAR NEWS STORY, PLEASE LIST AT LEAST 2 OF THEM Hiding who client 9 was until the end, the prostitutes name.

4. LIST 3 DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS THAT YOU FOUND ABOVE THAT HELP THE STORY  Torn modly mattress, ribs and collarbone jutted out, crawling with lice.
6. WHAT CONDITIONS EXIST REGARDING THIS CHILD THAT THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES TO YOU? She has lice and is malnourished, and has rashes and sores.
7. DO YOU WANT TO KEEP READING? I would just to find out what happen to the child.
8. HOW DOES THE QUOTE HELP THE TRANSITION STATEMENT ABOVE IT? The quote helps because the firefighter notes the children that the statement above it was implying.
10. LIST 3 DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS THAT YOU FOUND ABOVE THAT HELP THE STORY  Temperature was headed toward 100 degrees, Soon flames were rushing through the brush toward Zaca Ridge, realized they were a potential monster.
11. THERE ARE DETAILS THAT YOU MIGHT NOT INCLUDE IN A REGULAR NEWS STORY, PLEASE LIST AT LEAST 2 OF THEM the first statement, rainfall the previous winter had been among the lowest on record.
12. WHAT WAS THE ANECDOTE THAT THE AUTHOR USED IN THIS STORY? When the sparks flew from the meat grinder
15. LIST 3 PIECES OF BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOUND IN THESE 3 PARAGRAPHS The agency spent $307 million on fire suppression, congress is considering a separate federal account, state wildfire spending has shot up 150% in the last decade
16. WHICH ONE DO YOU THINK IS THE MOST CRUCIAL? Spending has shot up 150%

Thanksgiving Story

This Thanksgiving was very fun, but quiet normal. It started on Tuesday and didn't end until Sunday night.

It started on Tuesday right when i got home from school. My brother Noel came in from kyle, to go shopping with my mother while me and my other brother Manuel stay home to clean with my sisters Oralia and Adrianna. Tuesday was just gathering food and making sure the house was clean for Thursday.

Wednesday was a bit of a surprise when my other brother Carlos, who lives in Houston, surprised us by showing up earlier than we thought. The rest of that day was spent cooking and preparing things for Thanksgiving, but since Carlos showed up we all sat down and watched movies. Since my niece and nephew were their we watched Planes and Turbo, the Disney movies.

On Thanksgiving Day we were all up at 8 a.m to finish up the food and our family started showing up at around 10 a.m. We had our Thanksgiving early because my brother and sister had to go into work at 1 p.m. My aunt Patricia showed up first, like she always does, with her family she likes to get there early so that she can get the first batch of deviled eggs. After her, some family friends came over, Mario brought pecan pie, and Tyron brought peach cobbler. The last ones to show up were my Uncle Erik who brought along my cousin Brandon, they stayed for about an hour before everybody started leaving. When the time came to eat, all the food had been ready. We had Turkey, corn, rice, dressing, homemade gravy, cornbread, rolls, and glazed ham. Before we ate though we had to say grace, and since we were going in order of my family it was my turn to say grace, I was completely caught off guard and said maybe the worst grace ever, but it was still a good day.

The second half of Wednesday I was watching my cousins Jesse and Nancy, my niece Crystal, and my nephew Gabriel while my mother went to bingo with my aunt, and my sister-in-law started Black Friday shopping early. We were playing the xbox for about and hour before we watched Turbo for about the sixth time that day, but i didn't really mind. Once 10 p.m hit my brother Noel got off work and my mom got back from bingo, so i could go Black Friday shopping to, most of the time was spent at Barton Creek mall with my brothers. We bought a couple of shirts, Noel bought a watch, Carlos bought some stuff for his new apartment in Houston, and Manuel was doing some early Christmas shopping. I was just along for the ride. At about 2 a.m we moved to party over to Best Buy where Noel bought himself an Xbox One and Carlos bought some movies. The best part for me though was when we were leaving my sister surprised me with a Nintendo 3Ds that she bought for me early in the day. The night/ morning ended with everybody getting home at around 4 a.m and falling asleep, except for me because I was excited about the DS which i played for about an hour before i fell asleep.

When i woke up later that day Manuel went to work, Noel had left back to kyle, and Carlos was in the living room with my sisters and mother. They were getting ready to go eat and asked if i wanted to tag along. I went with them to go eat pizza with them and bought my DS with me to play with it more. After we ate we went back to the house to watch movies. On the way back my DS got low on battery, so when we got home i went inside wanting to charge it, but when i went to put it on i couldn't find it. When i told my mom she said that Noel took it by accident when he was packing up, so for the rest of Friday i just got on the computer and played Minecraft with some friends from school.

Saturday I we met up with Noel so i could get my charger back, and after that i spent the day at my friend Fernando's house. He also got an Xbox One on Friday with the game Deadrising 3 and we played that and League of Legends all day. Later that day Mario came over Fernando's house as well and we went and got some pizza, played more games, then crashed for the night.

On Sunday Carlos was going back to Houston, but before that he wanted to go bowling and our cousin wanted to play laser tag, so we went to Main Event. When we got their we started bowling and my cousin went to play, the game was close the entire time until the end when i choked like Lebron in the 4th and lost by 20 points :/ . Then when we were about to leave we noticed a rock climbing area, and we thought "why not" did that for about 2 hours. After that my brother dropped me off at home and went back to Houston. Even though it was such a good day, it was made even better when Manuel and I started watching The Walking Dead, it was an extremely good episode and a good way to end the break.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

CE 3.3

1. Monday, page A1 (front page) - "Most food trailers..." - What are the THREE biggest difference for food trailers and the inspection process versus brick-and-mortar restaurants, according to the article? Lack of a constant source of water and power, refrigeration

2. Monday, page B5 - "Twitter latest to..." - What does Perfect Forward Secrecy do? adds an extra layer of security to Web encryption to thwart eavesdroppings.

3. Monday, page C4 - "Report: Investigator will..." - What is the current situation for Jonathan Martin? He left the team and has been with family undergoing counseling for emotional issues.

4. Sunday, Page C1 - "Time for some parting shots" - What was Mike Leggett's final parting statement to his friends on the Statesman staff? "If you've never drunk beer in the parking lot on a Saturday night or made out in a darkroom, you've never worked at a newspaper."

5. Sunday, Page D1 - "Blueprint" - What portion of the Blueprint caught your eye first when I directed you to the page? The Turkey

6. Sunday, Page E1 - "I, Robot..." - Do you think robots will have an active role in your life in the future? Why or why not?  Yes, with all the strides we are having with technology, I imagine that when I'm your age we will have robot helping us with a lot of stuff in our lives. I don't mean human sized robots like the movies, I mean little ones that do a lot of little stuff.